2023 - International Joint Congress of Artificial Intelligence Board (IJCAI’23 Macau.  Presentation title: “The Global North and the Global South in AI Decision Making". 

2023 – BLUM Center for Developing Economies. UC Berkeley. Presentation title: “How to steer policy making towards AI for Good

2023 - Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL’23 Toronto). Presentation tittle: "Aporophobia: an Overlooked Type of Toxic Language Targeting the Poor". 

2023 - AI and Social Justice program. Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo. Presentation title: “AI as a tool to mitigate poverty”.

2023 - Social Media and Social Justice course. University of Notre Dame.  Presentation title: “Algorithms for social justice: affirmative action in social networks”.

2023 -  Youth Open Data.  Association du Burkina and Pulte Institute for Global Development, University of Notre Dame. Presentation title: "Opportunities and Challenges of AI in Africa".  

2022 - Second Workshop on Agent-based Modeling and Policy Making, AMPM (JURIX). Presentation title: “An Agent-Based Model for Poverty and Discrimination Policy Making”.

2022 - Graduate Program in Economics of Development at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Presentation tittle: "AI and inclusion: an analysis of bias against the poor".

2022 - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’22). Track AI for Good. Presentation title: “A norm optimization approach to SDGs: tackling poverty by acting on discrimination”.

2022 - Rome Ethics of AI Workshop (Organized by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and Notre Dame Technology Ethics Center (ND TEC). Presentation title: “AI Bias in practice: how to Manage It and How It can Play a Key Role Towards the Common Good”.

2022 - Association of the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2022 Fall Symposium. Presentation title: “Thinking fast and Slow in AI for Fairness Decision Making”.

2022 - Von Hügel Institute's reading group on the capability approach and human development. St. Edmund’s College. University of Cambridge. Presentation title: “AI and the Capability Approach”.

2022 - Fundació Cristianisme i Justícia. Presentation title: “Artificial Intelligence and Inequality”.